


ステップバイステップガイド 使い方


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テクニカルサポート お問い合わせ


ご不明な点やご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽に [email protected] までお問い合わせください。平日は24時間以内、週末は48時間以内に返信します。


pazustudio.comでのほぼすべての購入について払い戻しをリクエストできます。Pazufabは、必要な返品期間内にリクエストが行われた場合、返金を行います。 詳細はこちら>>




登録、技術的な問題についてご不明な点がございましたら、いつでもお気軽に [email protected]お問い合わせください。



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参考までに、よくある質問をまとめました。さらに詳細な質問と回答については、各製品の ヒントとチュートリアル を確認してください。

No, the license does not work for both the Mac and Windows versions. In general, the Mac and Windows versions are two different programs for two different operating systems. Therefore, the license for the Windows version cannot be registered for the Mac version, and vice versa.

If you have purchased a license for the wrong operating system within 30 days, please contact us to help you replace it, or you can purchase a license for the correct operating system from our official website and contact us to refund the wrong order.

If you have switched your computer from Windows to Mac or from Mac to Windows and want to reinstall the program on your new computer, you can contact our support team to purchase a new license for the new computer to get a discount.

We recommend you try the free trial version and place the order when you are satisfied with our product. As orders are automatically processed and fulfilled through the payment platform, once an order is processed, it cannot be cancelled. Please refer to our refund policy for more information.
We do provide trial versions for most of our products which are functionally the same as the full version, only with limitations. You can download the free version from: https://pazustudio.com/download.html .
A confirmation email including license information will be sent to you after payment. If you did not receive a verification email, check your Spam or Junk email folders. If you still can’t locate this email, contact us to confirm that they have your correct email address on file.
Click the Register icon on the software interface, copy&paste the license code you received to activate the software. Check this article for offline registration .